Ebola in NYC

An emergency room doctor who had been working with Doctors Without Borders in West Africa was recently tested positive for Ebola, becoming the first case in a major city. This came as a huge shock to the people in NY, and also many across the country, for fear of the deadly disease spreading.

The patient was identified as Dr. Craig Spencer, who had been working at an Ebola treatment center before he returned to New York.

From Guinea, Spencer traveled through Europe to New York, but had no symptoms throughout this whole period. However, within returning, he checked his temperature twice a day and limited contact with others, following the Doctors Without Borders protocol.

Unfortunately, before he was diagnosed with Ebola, he had gone out to go bowling, rode a taxi, and even used the subway. The patient was at these times apparently not symptomatic.

On Thursday morning, Dr. Craig Spencer developed a high temperature and diarrhea. He and his fiancee quickly contacted Doctors Without Borders and was transported to Bellevue Hospital, where he is currently being treated.

Many have been worrying due to the fact that New York is a densely populated city that the Ebola disease would be easily passed on to others. However, those who have not been directly exposed to bodily fluids should not be worried about contracting this disease.