Former First Lady Barbara Bush Dies at 92

On April 17th, 2018, former First Lady Barbara Bush died at the age of 92. She served as the First Lady from 1989 to 1993 during her husband, George H. W. Bush’s, presidency. Barbara Bush was a highly regarded first lady and often regarded as one of the most popular First Ladies of the United States. She was particularly well known for her work with improving literacy.
Commonly known as the “enforcer” in her family, Barbara Bush was a formidable woman. Not only did she consistently act in a manner that would support the interests of her family but she was a formidable force in the United States. She frequently encouraged the participation of people at homeless shelters and actively promoted AIDS awareness when the disease was still misunderstood. She even visited Grandma’s House, a pediatric center for children with AIDS, and held an infant infected with the disease which showed the American people that this was not a disease to be feared and that we knew less about the disease then we thought. She was clearly a bold woman and was always trying to show people the way rather than facilitate their ignorance to many of the country’s problems.
Even though Barbara Bush has passed on, her legacy in the United States will forever stand and her work in and out of office continues to inspire people year after year.