Question of the Week: Teacher Edition

Question of the Week: Teacher Edition

To kick off the new segment of Question of the Week here on Indian Ink, we asked some of our favorite teachers this simple but complex question: If you were to give one piece of advice to your teenage self, what would it be?

Here’s how the teachers answered:

Mr. Koondel, English Department

“I would tell myself to listen to my teachers more, stop chasing cool because it doesn’t exist, and keep being passionate about the things you care about.”

Mr. Chen, Science Department

“Everything you do has future consequences, both positive and negative.”

Mr. Kauffman, Science Department

“Get enough sleep.”

Mr. Russo, Science & Technology Department

“Eat healthier.”

Mrs. Law, Social Studies Department

“Put everything in perspective.”

Mrs. O’ Malia, Social Studies Department

“Don’t worry so much about what everyone else thinks.”

Ms. Zaso, Social Studies Department

“Give it enough time and you can persevere through anything.”