Snow Days – Good or Bad?


Once in a blue moon students are able to get excited about the chance of a snow day. No matter how much snow the forecast predicts, everyone in school is always hoping for that call. The really dedicated students even put a spoon under their pillow or sleep with their clothes inside out to allow for the best possibility for snow. But some ask the question, Why  haven’t we had any snow days this year?


Many students believe that when there is any snow it should be an automatic snow day, but there is more to it. When the district takes into consideration the pros and cons of snowdays, it makes it a difficult decision. There are many factors, including teachers commuting to school, the amount of ice on the roads, the ability of buses to drive students, along with many other factors which they must consider. 



  1. Serves As a Mental-Health Day For Students

Many students are stressed out to the point where they don’t want to go to school, but they aren’t able to take a day off as they fear missing material and having the stain of absences on their record. Snow days allow students to relax penalty free!

  1. Fun!

Snow days are a carefree, enjoyable day. You can either pour yourself some hot cocoa and enjoy the view from indoors, or you can engage in fun snow-day activities like sledding, building a snowman or even making snow angels!

  1. Safety Matters

Driving in harsh weather is a huge danger that people should not have to face. Accidents involving vehicles and icy roads can be detrimental and are not worth the risk. Being forced to commute to school in poor conditions can have very serious effects that can easily be prevented by a snow day.



  1. What are my parents going to do with me?

I grow up in a household with two working parents that have to commute to work everyday. Snow days put stress upon them as they are not available to care for me during school/work hours. Parents of younger children especially feel this pain as they are forced to take a day off work just because schools closed down. 

  1. Falling behind on school work.

Many teachers schedule their lesson plans strictly to ensure the material is learned by certain deadlines. By having a snow day, this can throw off their lesson plans, which would cause a disruption in learning. 

  1. Some people actually like school.

Some of my Type-A friends need constant structure in their lives. School provides this for them, which makes them in favor of going. A snow day leaves them wondering, What will I do now?