The Time is Running Out for the Texas Abortion Law

Texas has recently passed lesgislature that bans abortions after six weeks of pregnancy. As a result, people across the country are shocked and unsettled by this presumably unconstitutional ban, and are gathering all throughout the country in Women’s Marches to protest the recently passed legislation


 For the past month, headline news has been flooded by the recent law passed by Texas which limits reproductive rights. The legislation asserts that abortions cannot take place once cardiac activity has been detected in the embryo,thus banning abortions past six weeks of pregnancy. This is a blatant attempt to prevent women from accessing reproductive health because most women do not even know they are pregnant by that time. 85 to 95% of all abortions take place after the six week mark, indicating that this new law will prevent most women from having an abortion. 


This is the most restrictive measure passed since Roe v. Wade in 1973, and has naturally stirred up lots of opposition. Many people claim that this law goes against the current standing of Roe v. Wade, which decided that the United State’s Constitution protects a pregnant woman’s liberty to choose to have an abortoin without excessive government restriction. According to people opposed to the law, the limitations imposed by the Texas government fall well into the category of excessive government restriction. People throughout the nation are outraged at the infringement of constitutional rights taking place in Texas. 


More than 660 Women’s Marches have taken place country-wide in protest of the recent law.  Featured at these marches are speakers who emphasize the importance of protecting the rights of younger generations and whose words will be echoed in the months to come as this ban continues to be debated. On October 2nd alone, there were protests in all 50 states across the nation as well as in Washington D.C. Some of the most notable rallies are the ones taking place in several Texas cities such as Austin, the capitol, and Houston. The marches in these cities are led by pro-choicers with thousands marching to support a women’s right to choose and control her own body.


These protests are advocating for maintaining a constitutional right to an abortion procedure. Abortion activists and the U.S. The Justice Department has already challenged the Texas law in state and federal courts; the debate over whether this law will remain isn’t over yet. This pushback is especially important now, as the bill’s protestors want to gain as much traction as possible before the reconvening of the Supreme Court’s next session on Monday.


Hopefully, a breakthrough with the ruling on the bill’s constitutionality will emerge soon. Until then, activists will continue to make their voices heard.