Tarot Card Tutorial

When skeptics think of Tarot card readings, they think of an old woman dressed in robes and tacky jewels, hovering over a crystal ball in a room thick with incense.  However, this may not be what Tarot cards are all about.

A world renowned psychic and spiritual forum explains that “the most powerful sources of information come from within; the Tarot aids in coming in contact with one’s Higher Self.”  This information proves that anyone can do either type of Tarot reading, a question reading or an open reading.

Question readings are intended to guide a soul to the answer to a question. There are specific rules to follow while conducting one of these readings.  Before the reading, the subject should be openminded, allowing his spirit to be guided.  If the subject goes into the reading already knowing the answer to his question, his soul will not be guided by the Tarot, thus rendering the reading ineffective.  Secondly, the question should not be too specific.  If it is too specific, the subject’s Higher Self will become overwhelmed and feel exploited, and will shut the reader out.  Finally, it is important for the subject to focus on himself and his attitude.  If he is asking a question involving the actions of another person, then the reading will not be effective.  Also, if the spirits sense any negativity in the mind and body of the subject, they will not guide the subject to an answer to the question.

Open Tarot readings address larger aspects of life, and are usually done when the subject enters a new phase of life, such as a new job, a move, or marriage.  Starting with the shuffle, it is very important to encourage the subject to keep a clear mind.  When displaying cards, the reader should focus on the pictures displayed, rather than the name of the cards.  These pictures tell a story, and depending upon the focus of the reading, the story is to be interpreted differently.  In open readings, the Tarot’s images are to be applied to the present situation of the subject.