Five Ways to Get Politically Active

With Donald Trump’s administration signaling danger for many of the technological, environmental, and civil rights achievements of the past, now is the time to get involved and speak up for what you believe in.

1. Go to a protest. With over a million men and women attending marches all over the world on the day after Donald Trump’s inauguration, protests have proven to be a good way to use your voice in favor of issues you care about. Make sure that the protest you plan to go to is legal and the organizers have a permit so that you don’t get arrested. You can check social media and the internet for upcoming protests and marches.

2. Donate money. As the Trump administration begins to defund many critical organizations and enact policies that have the capability to hurt thousands, one of the best ways to get active is through donating your money. This directly helps support the causes you care about. Some organizations that need the help are the ACLU (which protects civil liberties), Planned Parenthood (which provides accessible healthcare), and the Trevor Project (which provides support and services for LGBT youth).

3. Raise awareness over social media. Through posting about the issues that matter to you and educating people you know, you will spread your message. Make sure you are understanding and empathetic towards everyone, even if they disagree with you. Also, be sure that any news articles you repost are from credible sources, and aren’t just fake news meant to sway public opinion.

4. Vote. This one seems obvious, and, if you are reading this article and are above the age of 18, you probably did vote in the presidential election. However, local and midterm elections are just as important. The best way to get politically active is to get out and vote each November for officials that share your values. The midterm elections, which are in 2018, will determine the balance of the House and Senate, which will decide the legislation of the years to come.

5. Call or contact your representatives. Simply emailing your local and state officials in support of or against policies is an easy way make yourself heard. Don’t be afraid to contact them, their job is to represent you and do what they think is best for their constituents. If many people come together to email a representative about something they care about or affects them, real change can be made.

The next four years will be a challenge for many, but there are plenty of ways to fight back.