Body positivity is a topic getting more and more popular these days. In 1996, Connie Sobczak and Elizabeth Scott founded The Body Positive – one of the first organizations to encourage people to love and embrace their unique bodies. Everybody is different with an emphasis on the two words “every” and “body.” Every single body is beautiful in its way.
Even with the recent focus on body positivity, there still are people who judge themselves and others for being overweight or “fat.” Today, the word “fat” has a negative connotation, but fat can be useful. For example, our bodies use fat as extra energy and to regulate our body temperature and keep us warm. Additionally, just because someone HAS fat does not mean that they ARE fat. Sumo wrestlers, who range in size between 300-400 pounds, use their size to their advantage. Based on their weight, should sumo wrestlers be considered unhealthy? Despite their fat, sumo wrestlers are strong. They are made up of muscle and are very healthy. Bodybuilders may look healthy because of their muscles, but would they too be considered overweight? The heaviest male bodybuilder was Daniele Seccarecci, who at his heaviest competition weight was approximately 298 pounds. His weight easily could land him the title of overweight. Most people would consider him healthy because they can see muscles. However, bodybuilding has many harmful side effects like dizziness, headaches, skin problems, excessive breathing, and heart rate. Many bodybuilders suffer from high cholesterol and high blood pressure, which is not beneficial for your health. Someone can look their best but be in poor health.
Overall, health is life-long, and it is the only thing we should be focusing on in terms of our physical condition. Size or weight by itself should not be a factor that defines health. The scale has one purpose- to determine your body weight. It does nothing else. The number does not measure your worth no matter how low or how high, and body weight fluctuates daily: this is normal! Many people use weight as equivalent to their health, which is very wrong. Bodyweight cannot prove if you are healthy or not, as we have seen in sumo wrestlers and bodybuilders. So we already know that weight cannot measure health, but what about appearance? While someone could have toned arms and legs, a six-pack, and a low-fat percentage, they also could be unhealthy, have depression or psychological illnesses. Sometimes, to get a desirable body, people go through extreme diets and exercise plans that completely mess up their metabolic function and mental state. Neither weight nor appearance can calculate health or determine your worth or beauty. It is a mindset that can only be defined by you.
People do not appreciate a mirror for all its worth. The mirror has only one use – to show you a reflection of yourself. Instead of noticing all of the good things, they immediately see all the imperfections. But the truth is that every single time you see yourself in the mirror, it is going to look different in some way. Insecurities can lead to more problems. Fat-shaming can cause damaging side effects such as depression, lowered self-esteem and confidence, and eventually eating disorders. Anorexia nervosa, or more commonly known as just anorexia, is the mental disorder with the highest death rate of around 10-15% of all people.
Have you thanked YOUR body today? You have a mouth and taste buds to eat your favorite foods, as well as hands, so you do not have to write with your feet. You have legs that you use to walk and to run, and your hips and back to hold you upright. Your stomach, being one of the most controversial body parts, holds together all your organs and intestines so that you do not have to carry them around with your hands. Every imperfection is perfection and should be embraced, not despised. Health and mental wellness should be the #1 priority, not looking thin. If you can not love yourself, then you can not learn to love anybody else. So love yourself, and thank your body for all that it does to keep you alive every single day.