President Trump’s First Days

On January 20th, 2017, Donald Trump was inaugurated as the 45th President of the United States. This event was attended by approximately 900,000 people, much less than the inauguration of Barack Obama in 2009. Press Secretary Sean Spicer later falsely claimed that Trump’s was the “largest crowd to ever witness an inauguration.”

Defending Spicer’s false claim on Meet the Press, former campaign manager Kellyanne Conway claimed that he didn’t lie, he just presented “alternative facts.” This rejection of facts seems to be a theme in the Trump administration, especially in their policy decisions.

The first thing Trump did as president was sign an executive order forcing state governments to weaken Obamacare, ordering that states must remove any part of the Affordable Care Act that causes financial burden to the states. This decision is the first step in the larger Republican plan to repeal Obamacare altogether. Repealing this policy would cause taxes to go down, but would leave millions of people in America unable to afford healthcare.

Next, Trump reinstated the “global gag rule,” a ban on the provision of abortion counseling for any international organization that receives United States funding. This was first instated in 1984 by Ronald Reagan, and has been proven to increase abortions and endanger women’s health globally.

Trump’s final executive order was to withdraw the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a very unpopular international trade deal. This was one of Trump’s key platform issues, and he did not disappoint in fulfilling it.

More executive orders enacting conservative policies should be expected in the coming week, and they most likely will be met with opposition from activists and protesters.