How Students can maintain Discipline

The Stanford marshmallow test was a famous psychological experiment designed to study delayed gratification, led by Walter Mischel. The experiment aimed to examine the relationship between self-control and later outcomes such as academic success and life satisfaction. In the test, a child is presented with a marshmallow and given a choice to eat it immediately or wait for a short period of time to receive a second marshmallow as a reward. The findings were very interesting: those who waited for a second marshmallow later grew up to have better grades— and eventually better lifestyles, jobs, and even relationships, as adults. The findings of the marshmallow experiment led many to conclude that willpower and self-control are major determinants of a person’s success in life. So, which camp would you fall into?  Would you practice delayed gratification and wait for that second marshmallow?  While it may be tempting to procrastinate by spending a lot of time on social media instead of pursuing more productive activities, try to remember that willpower and self-control may make all the difference in life.