School for Scandal

The Manhasset Theater department has recently performed the School for Scandal, an 18th century play originally written by Richard Brinsley Sheridan.

The storyline follows a group of gossiping friends: Lady Sneerwell (Zoe Vincoff), Sir Peter Teazle (Thomas Moschitta), Lady Teazle (Kristina DiCarlo), Joseph Surface (Jack Eletto) and his brother Charles Surface (Decker Paterson), Sir Oliver Surface (Alex Schwartz), Maria (Kate Brady on Saturday, Gabriella Tranchina on Sunday), Miss Crabtree (Bridget Blaney) and her nephew Sir Benjamin Backbite (Kevin McAleer), Mrs. Candor (Elizabeth Guariglia).

Among the rest of magnificent cast we also have: Mrs. Snake (Isabel Vigliotti), Lady Sneerwell’s hairdresser (Anna Sabo), Sir Peter’s valet (Ariadne Katsifas), Rowley (Kristina Rubertone), Mr. Purse (Jacqueline Siffer), Sir Harry Bumper (Daniel Quinn), Mr. Boozer (Julia Ellinghaus), Mr. Tipler (Jennie Whalen), Mr. Squiffy (Regan Lavin), Hiccup (Alex Bowman), Charles’ maid (Amanda Naccarato), Trip (Philip Barsky), Williams, Joseph’s butler (Oswaldo Herrera), Agnes, Lady Teazle’s maid (Erin Love). The fantastic pantomiming house staff: Kimmie Brogan, Maddie Conner, Emily Cruz, John Karagiannis, Lizzy Rutkovsky, Lauren Schwartz, and Jenna Weitman. Finally, a special thanks to Brigid Ferris and Michelle Marcisak (assistant directors); Nicole and Mike Rinaldi (technical directors); Aaron Tomlinson (curtain fly director); Katie Barnes, Yianni Biniaris, Kellyann Bock, Kevin Chen, Zoe Chen, Jessica Farrell-Ortiz, Keyshawn Fowler, Ryan Kennedy, Justin Li, Brian Murray, Teddi Panagiotakos, Paula Rodriguez, Jack Sullivan, and Antonella Vich (set crew); Amanda Brown, Christine Casazza, Loriana Demirayan, Thomas Fruhauf, Delphine Glick, Elizabeth Jones, Lauren Leung, Justin Li, Chrissy Maccaro, Michaela Ryan, Natalie Tsaketas, Janna Winchester, and Michelle Wong (scenic art crew); Katie Barnes, Amanda Brown, Amanda Capra, Emma Carr, Penny Dasi-Sutton, Natalia Farrell-Ortiz, Mattea Marcussi, Emily Riley, Nicole Rinaldi, and Rose Rutkovsky (makeup crew); Gavin Friedman and Adam Smotkin (lighting crew); and Kellyann Bock, Rachel Sloan, and Briana Yarrington (prop crew).

The show began its preparation seven weeks prior to opening night. It was a long journey of actors memorizing scripts, dresses being sewn by our fantastic theater moms and Mr. Fessler, sets being built, constructed and painted, props being collected and thousands of other little details that go into a theater production being completed. Manhasset’s A School for Scandal was a fantastic performance and one not to miss!

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